My vision for Banyule is for our city to be the best place in Victoria to live, work, invest and raise a family.

This means delivering, smart coordinated policies with particular focus on:

Appropriate development:  

In approving development applications Council must protect the neighbourhood character that makes Banyule unique. I will continue to ‘call in’ major development applications in the Grimshaw Ward that I believe may adversely impact on the amenity of local residents. I am committed to ensuring our planning department continues to have the resources to successfully defend appeals to Council planning decisions at VCAT.

Tackling traffic and parking challenges: 

As the population in Melbourne grows, Banyule is bearing the brunt of growing traffic and parking challenges. Council has an important local role to play.

Council is liaising with the State Government on the delivery of the North East Link. We will advocate strongly on behalf of our community to ensure the construction impacts are minimised. I will continue to advocate for comprehensive sound protection barriers to be erected along the road corridor to minimise long-term noise and amenity impacts. I will also continue to advocate strongly for a new train station at Watsonia as part of the Northern package of works.

Sound financial management: 

Council must minimise increases in rates to ease the burden on residents. I will continue my work on Council to ensure rate increases are at CPI level or lower. I will also ensure that Council delivers discounts for Banyule residents on all Council services, such as WaterMarc.

Maintaining and upgrading our local community assets and amenities: 

I am committed to upgrades of Telfer Reserve and Warrawee Reserve and to establish new recreational facilities at Edmund Rice Parade Reserve; ongoing improvements at Bundoora Tennis Club; and supporting our local scout groups with facility improvements.

Preserving our relatively low rates while improving our local infrastructure is a challenging task for Council.  It requires Councillors to be prudent and practical in the initiatives we support. I will continue to work with fellow Councillors to progress initiatives that benefit all of Banyule and not just particular areas.

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